Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sparkling Pinks

We went to DC last weekend to see the Cherry Blossoms. It felt like a lot of people had the same idea as the area was crazy crowded. The weather was near perfect and the Blossoms were in “peak” bloom looking gorgeous against the clear blue sky. I like the sparkling picture a lot (below right); the petals had fallen into the lake and placed themselves perfectly with the sun shining on the water to give it a diamond-like effect. Well the Blossoms have come and will be gone – I hope summer comes soon.



Raj said...

I love both these pictures so much, depicts the scene so well over there. It was such a fun trip, wasn't it?? :-)

arvind said...

As always excellent preface and just gorgeous pictures. Good job, Lady.

Unknown said...

Life is all about these beautiful 'time off' moments. You're wise to fit them into a busy (and getting busier!) life.

philo said...

'Tis the season to be cherry, fa la la la la, la la la la!
Enjoy, my dearies, the seasons as they come. Love those photos.
Y'all want summer to be here, we know that. But it is not supposed to arrive until I get my outfit ready (ask your Mum how I'm pestering her, Alef).

chinoisfemme said...

Oh my goodness, I absolutely ADORE these! They are so beautiful.. I think you should consider selling your prints on

Alefiyah said...

Thanks all for your comments ...

Juhi said...

Wow that picture is truly magical...the sparkly effect looks like it's a Disney movie and the fairy god mother just left!

I agree - you should get think of selling prints - that is one beautiful picture.

Suba said...

That is one unbelievably beautiful picture!

Meghna said...

Magical picture Alef. Thank you so much for sharing it!