Sunday, March 22, 2009


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATimes Square is always so chaotic. People everywhere – tourists walking, oh so slowly down the streets as they look up in the sky taking in the sights. On a normal day when Times Square is part of the everyday commute one tries to get out of the area as soon as possible; avoiding the crowds to the best of one’s ability.

I took this picture when I was playing tourist with my parents who were visiting NYC. This picture makes me see Times Square in a different way – still so busy but so many contrasts. You feel the pulse of the city in this little area. Lovely colors – always shining bright. I have still to see a place as vibrant and alive.

My life is kind of like Times Square these days – chaotic but good chaotic.


Raj said...

I know exactly what you mean and the shot says so much :-)

chinoisfemme said...

Great shot - were you elevated when you took this? Nice breadth of view..

Alefiyah said...

Thanks Raj :) ...

Angela: the shot was taken at an elevated level - i was on the steps @ Times Square. Glad you like it :)