Wednesday, February 11, 2009


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI was watching Top Chef last week where they featured Blue Hill at Stone Barnes. I knew that it was going to be in the 50’s on Sunday – so why not go visit this farm! It is about 40 minutes away from NYC and there is a wonderful cafe there where you get yummy scones, cookies, coffee and other savory things. The Farm is about 80 acres – we walked around and saw many cute animals. Daisy the cow, Roger the sheep dog, Porky the pig, Rocky the rooster. The Farm reminded me of a book that I read in school called My Family and other Animals by Gerald Durrell. I recommend making a reservation at the restaurant – we did and plan on going back to eat the fresh organic farm food. If the cafe is any indication the restaurant is going to be simply divine.

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Taking pictures was a little difficult – nothing was too picturesque everything still had snow and the trees were bare. I know a photographer should be able to find pictures anywhere – but it was very difficult to be inspired. I am looking forward to another trip to the farm when it is lush and green.


Anonymous said...

I love this place. What a great idea to get out of the city. They also have a restaurant in New York, if you can't ever make it up to the farm.

Raj said...

I really like the first picture :-) and Roger was just an amazing dog wasn't he? You almost got bitten!

Suba said...

awesome rooster pic...

Alefiyah said...

Melissa: We're planning to go back for a meal - I heard that the NY one is not as good.

Raj: Well you helped me edit the first pic - so you gotta like it :P

Unknown said...

Very nice pictures. Want to live in the country. Oh wait, I already do. John de

Juhi said...

I like your picture of the farm in the's got a picture postcard look to it. I also somehow like the one with the looks so peacefully bovine.

Alefiyah said...

Thanks y'all for the comments ! :) That cow was so BIG - we were quite amazed. They were really fattening it up!