We have had two intense snow storms this month. During the first one I refused to leave the warmth of my cozy home; but then regretted that I did not get any pictures. When the second storm was to arrive I was determined to go out. R and I were up by 7 am most enthusiastic to go click some shots of the beautiful white powder like snow. We trekked to Central park – slipping , sliding and avoiding the puddles along the way. The park was magical – I have never seen it so serene, white and just beautiful. I felt like I was in a fairytale of some sort. There were quite a few people out and about. Some fanatics were even jogging in the park, but the ones that were having the most fun were the kids who were scurrying around finding the perfect hill to slide down. Below are some shots I took. Click here to see more, and if you want a peek into R's pictures - Click here.
10 SEC READ The gift of insults
2 years ago