Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cup ’O Joe


So much can happen over a cup of coffee; a first date – a glance – a fight – a smile. As you sit at Starbucks thoughts may wander into day dreams that you never share. A glance may translate into a first date (though that hardly ever happens). I was taking some candid people shots at S’Bux today. The girl looks like she is lost in deep thought or maybe she saw someone that she had been waiting for. The picture captures a sense of calm within her. The one on the right is an all out happy moment; a joke or some good news shared among 2 friends. I like the mans expression and the sun shining right on his face. Makes for a feel good happy capture! Its fun to click people and then wonder what they may have been thinking at that moment. The best place to do it is at the coffee shop over a Cup O’ Joe !

Tuesday, January 20, 2009



It was a cold winters day – the first day of the year two thousand and nine. I took a deep breath and let the cold air enter my lungs. There is something about the significance of a January first – I feel the tone and how you spend the day is a peep into the way the year will go.

On Jan 1, 2009 I took a lot of pictures. I went to Top of the Rock and looked out onto the city that now call home. I did this with those closest to me – both friends and family. I watched “doubt” which was an awful movie with a great cast!

Who knows what my activities of Jan 1, 2009 tell of my year ahead. I look forward to my last post of the year and wonder if any parallels can be drawn between this day and the year that would have passed. I guess we will see.

I took this picture at Rockefeller Center – There are so many things to capture on film there. I thought instead of clicking the obvious Christmas tree below or the scenic vista from top of the building; I would focus on the simple light structure that everyone ignored. Happy New year all.