In New York a lucky few have summer Fridays :) .... and only a few actually leave the office at 2 - I have decided to spend my summer Friday walking the streets of NYC. This past Friday was my first walk and me and my E420 decided to go to SOHO and China town. The picture on top is one of my favorites - it has an eerie feeling to it; I took it in Soho - I absolutely love the way the light accentuates the graffiti. The picture below was taken in China town I walked in the weirdest alleys; this particular street had hardly anyone on it (I have to admit I was actually lost at this point). I saw these three men under the tea shop and I felt that I was in a village in China. No I have not been to a village in China but I do have a vivid imagination. Click on the link to see more of my NYC street photography and let me know what you think