Sunday, August 17, 2008


Green evokes images of abundance, life and prosperity. It also stands for jealousy, envy and evil. I subscribe to the school of the former therefore the pictures below that capture moments of summer. You can see it in the eyes of a child frolicking in the grass, in the droplets of water and in a lazy snooze in the park. I love the summer - I wish it would last all year.

Little Ones
central park
Blissful afternoon summers

Friday, August 15, 2008


first steps as man & wife

Another Friday and another picture for my blog; I have to say that my photography Friday afternoons are not quite working out the way I had intended; the past 2 Fridays have seen rain and my sweet E420 has seen its black little case. The force of nature (i.e. rain) compels me to dig into the pictures from days gone by – I have quite a stack of them.

The one I posted above is the first step that my close friend took with her husband right after they tied the knot. I find the picture very over-whelming. It’s just a step I know; but there is so much significance to it – it is the first of many steps that you and your life partner will take together. You may have taken many steps together before but not tied together as one. It may not be the best picture I have taken; but its significance far outweighs the photograph. If you look carefully, the picture is tilted - I actually like the fact that it is not all straight - kinda like life :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hope, happiness, freedom, love are some words that come to mind when I see this picture. It was a warm summer afternoon we were strolling in central park with our cameras; when we stumbled across a kiddy birthday party, there was cake with beautiful pink icing, kids screaming and shouting, running up and down while their parents cast a watchful eye on them. The carousel was going round and round to the beat of carousel-like music; and yes there were balloons, many many balloons. I remember walking up to this particular bunch in the picture and just looking at them for a while. The sun was partially hidden behind the clouds; but it gave this beautiful effect when the balloons were put in front of the sunrays. I tilted my camera and got the shot. I feel this picture is as much about the balloons as it is about the sky and the light behind it. Hope, happiness, freedom & love is what I see in this picture – what do you see?

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Shadow and Lights

In New York a lucky few have summer Fridays :) .... and only a few actually leave the office at 2 - I have decided to spend my summer Friday walking the streets of NYC. This past Friday was my first walk and me and my E420 decided to go to SOHO and China town. The picture on top is one of my favorites - it has an eerie feeling to it; I took it in Soho - I absolutely love the way the light accentuates the graffiti. The picture below was taken in China town I walked in the weirdest alleys; this particular street had hardly anyone on it (I have to admit I was actually lost at this point). I saw these three men under the tea shop and I felt that I was in a village in China. No I have not been to a village in China but I do have a vivid imagination. Click on the link to see more of my NYC street photography and let me know what you think.
Three men and Tea


So I am pretty proud of this shot. They say it is very difficult to capture lightening, your timing has to be perfect. This picture was taken on my birthday; I did not have my own camera then so I used R's Olympus E 510. He took me out for a beautiful birthday dinner at Waters Edge (a gorgeous spot for anyone who is looking for a romantic place with amazing Manhattan views). Just as we were in the middle of our second course the wind started blowing and lightening and thunder made its entrance. I think it was pure luck that I got this shot - I took it through the glass window. I have to say that it was this picture that made me think about seriously getting a camera. The instant gratification with photography is great - you click - you view - you edit and voila a beautiful creation is right in front of you.


I have always wanted to have a blog but frankly never knew what it would be about or what I would write or who would read it; you see I never really had any hobbies or talents - let alone discuss in open forum. Then one day on encouragement from my boyfriend (we'll call him R) I bought an SLR camera (Olympus 420). R is really into photography - he understands it much better than I do but I have really started to enjoy it and do understand a little bit too. So I thought YAY I finally have a hobby and I can now blog about it. What I plan on doing with this blog is discussing some of my favorite pictures that I have taken and the story they tell :)